Trenddag 21 maart: VUCA times By Zuzanna Skalska

Trenddag 21 maart: VUCA times By Zuzanna Skalska

Voor de vroege vogels waren we eerst te gast bij de fabrieken van BN walls. Een mooie gelegenheid voor de NII leden om kennis te nemen van het productieproces van behang maken. Een van de laatste fabrieken in Nederland. Naast de fabriek hadden we de locatie gevonden voor de lezing van Zuzanna Skalska: een oude krachtcentrale waar BN heel vroeger de energie vandaan haalde. Zuzanna heeft ruim 3,5 uur lang de gasten op het puntje van de stoel laten zitten.


Every year I have been working on the principle that catches the best of the world we live in. This time our world is became crazy – we can easy call it the time of clowns.  The American military has a more rational term for it.  It is just VUCA, which means volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.

This new concept is gaining some new relevance to characterize the current geo-political environment and nerveless the tomorrow leadership required to navigate it successfully. VUCA operating environments means the complex can quickly become chaotic. That’s why leadership is crucial. The ability of a leader to ingrain new paradigms into team behaviours is very important for enabling the type of collective decision making required to achieve optimal outcomes, even in times of chaos. Business has to expect both the game and context. 

A revolution is raging, and revolutions start with language. The NEW NORMAL is over. Welcome to the Age of VUCA TIMES. To win it we must deliver magic. The VUCA TIMES play out in a new and unknown Economy, a soft grid where creativity is the entry point, and consumer is curator. We should change VUCA from negative to positive meaning. VUCA of tomorrow is Vibrant, Unreal, Crazy and Astounding. It’s challenging, but the goal in all things to get into a flow state, where you are discovering rather than working off. This is the “participation economy”. ROI today means Return on Involvement. This is much better than Command and Control. Ideas are today’s currency not strategy. Technology is only the enabler.

Strategy is dead. Who really knows what is going to happen tomorrow in this VUCA TIMES? Management is dead, too. To win today you need a culture and an environment where the unreasonable power of creativity thrives. Business leaders need to become creative leaders. We need to change the language of business. Leaders need to become emotional thinkers. The difference between rational thinking and emotional thinking is that rational thinking leads to conclusions and meetings and more meetings. Emotional thinking leads to action.

No single person has all the answers, but as a team we can do great things! 
If not now, then when?

Zuzanna Skalska

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